COMPUTER TIPS: Windows 7 and Wacom Issues

I ***ing hate computers. Testing software, hardware, every day a new problem if you work on the edge.If you switched like me to Windows 7 (welcome to 64 bit and lots of RAM) and employ a Wacom tablet, you will notice all sorts of fuck ups (annoying ripple effects, Tablet PC crap, etc..)  Click here, some blogger offers helpful fixes: to all Mac...
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TRON: First trailer for the video game 'Tron Evolution'

How could I miss that? Disney showed the trailer for the upcoming video game TRON: EVOLUTION at the 2009 Spike Video Game Awards here in L.A. A stunning Olivia presented the clip, our full size Light Cycle model guarding her back.To see the video, click here!Best, Dan...
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I am happy to announce that Titan Books, a major U.K. publishing house for books and comics like Akira, Batman, Star Wars, James Bond and many others, just released Cosmic Motors. It is the same content and look (just an additional Titan Books logo here and there) and will improve the availability in Europe.Cheers, Dan...
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INSPIRATION OF THE DAY: air racing on the edge

The Red Bull Air Race is one of the event on earth that comes closest to all the racing madness envisioned in scifi flicks and computer games. I include myself in dreaming about this stuff when it comes to design new vehicles and stories for Cosmic Motors. But on earth, real shit can happen. Click below and see how pilot Matt Hall escapes a horrifying crash with skills and luck. He dips his wing tip into the water at high speed...
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INSPIRATION OF THE DAY: lockheed martin monowing rotorcraft

This is the Samarai UAV project. Getting its name and concept from the flying Samara fruit, it could be an awkward, yet simple flying machine. Not for personal transportation, but filming, spying, surveillance, etc. As impractical as it looks, don't forget it doesn't have any exterior moving parts due to its mono-winged layout. That makes it a rugged contender for easy to handle / carry on vehicles.For more, read this Lockheed...
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INSPIRATION OF THE DAY: incredible flying machine

Watch this Quadrotor maneuvering in a lab of University of Pennsylvania and let your imagination fly. It is truly awesome, especially the precision it displays. Whether pre-programmed to this flight path or autonomously guided - I can't stop thinking of a speed contest through a three dimensional maze. Wow. Cosmic Motors Quadrotor Racing, anybody? Hat tip to Grasp Lab.Cheers, Dan...
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INSPIRATION OF THE DAY: real life minority report interface

I will start posting a few things on this blog that I stumbled upon on my daily web safari, lets call it "Inspiration Of The Day". It will be related to space, technology, robotics, sciences, etc. Stuff that inspires me and hopefully you too. Some of it might be dated, some new, don't care.Today I saw this presentation at 2010 TED, with John Underkoffler showing a real Minority Report User Interface. It's jaw dropping and reality...
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