TRON UPRISING: Lead Vehicle Design

I am currently working as Lead Vehicle Designer for TRON: UPRISING, a long time undercover - now announced - animated TV series of Disney. Coming 2012. Director: Charlie Bean.

Source: Variety

Cheers, Daniel
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DRIVE: a book to get

With many of my new designs waiting to get released into media freedom, I take the chance to tell you to get DRIVE, Scott Robertson's latest book!
I just flipped through the very first print run (in stores in a few days just in time for Christmas!), and I gotta say, Scott is the man. Not to butter up my own book editor or push a friend, I actually hate talented people. I am writing 'cause DRIVE is awesome, just look at the cover alone. Scott just jumped on 

3D (Modo) and bangs out all those cool concepts with joy. You may think on some pages "What the hell? He is all over the place!" but that is exactly what most of us don't dare to do - experimenting without care. The result is that everybody of any taste will at least find one totally inspiring vehicle in DRIVE - and that's priceless. Scott, you are the man.

Cheers, Daniel  
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COMPUTER TIPS: new Bunkspeed SHOT PRO testing

Being told by Bunkspeed to be the first dude to test the new upcoming Bunkspeed SHOT PRO, I thought I drop a line about my first impression - it's a great software, especially if you sport a cuda-core enabled GPU by nVidia (get the GTX480 for just 500 bucks and fly away).
Both Bunkspeed and mentalimages (the render engine) offer some great new stuff: turntable rendering (with practical features like setting an overall render time limit, render pickup at a specific frame...), glow shaders can be doublesided now (screw you normals!) and unsolid glass renders with alpha channel. You must know that SHOT builds on the iray render engine from mentalimages - a brand new render technology and its good being part of it.

Cheers, Daniel
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COMPUTER TIPS: Do not use Poser 8

My advise to everybody: Do not purchase or use Smithmicro Poser 8. I repeat: Do never ever touch that software. And I don't give you my purchased copy to safe your life.

Cheers, Daniel
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CAPTAIN AMERICA: high res set pictures

Entertainment Weekly just released a cover story about Captain America, including the first official pictures showing the look and feel of the film.

More images here.

Cheers, Daniel
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Support the Students

The Ultimate Automotive Blog supports students in what ever their goals and studies. Please Support Michelle in her YouTube project by just viewing her video. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT AND GOOD LUCK TO MICHELLE !!
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