... to everybody in this and other galaxies. May your dream come true.

Daniel + Cosmic Motors
read more "HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011 ..."

New Pics from Thunderhill 2010

read more "New Pics from Thunderhill 2010"

Pics from Thunderhill 2010 !!!

read more "Pics from Thunderhill 2010 !!!"

NEW - Website update press

The press link on danielsimon.com is relaunched and will be kept up-to-date. It's showing print publications to look for at the news stand and links to current online interviews with Daniel.


Cheers, Cosmic Motors
read more "NEW - Website update press"

200th FOLLOWER - Welcome

I welcome the 200th follower and every other one! Thank you for being here, I try to post new things as much as I can. Thanx for you patience, the movie business is a high security, multi-million-dollar business, so little me can't just upload 'stuff' anytime. Trust me, there are lots of things I wanna share with you. The time will come! Also, lots of fun Cosmic Motors stuff is in the pipe, but I am still cooking on it to meet the high expectation.
And let me know what you guys thought of the Tron vehicles in the film, it is out now! Critic will make the next ones even better.

Cheers, Daniel
read more "200th FOLLOWER - Welcome"

EVENT: Tron Book Signing Confirmed

Hey guys, I am confirmed for the Artist Meet & Greet. Hope to see you tomorrow at Nucleus. Info in prior post.

Cheers, Daniel
read more "EVENT: Tron Book Signing Confirmed"

EVENT: Tron Book Signing and Q&A

Hey guys, meet some artists behind the Tron Legacy film! Listen to their individual 20min talk, ask them questions, and get your 'Art Of Tron' book signed!
Saturday, December 18th, at Gallery Nucleus, Alhambra. Confirmed are David Levy, Neville Page, Phil Saunders, Fabian Lacey, and Dylan Cole. I am still juggeling with my schedule, will confirm asap when I make it!

More info here!

Cheers, Daniel
read more "EVENT: Tron Book Signing and Q&A"


Living in L.A., you see lots of crazy stuff on the road - patrol paradise. But when I heard Tim Cotterill on his Rocket II trike the other day thundering by in normal traffic in Venice Beach, I could not feel more ordinary and boring, designing just virtual fantasies! Lol. Tim makes a living creating little frog sculptures (yes, frogs, awesome), and had this monster built at the famed Blastolene Brothers.
Check out this video and don't mind the uber-cheesy 80ies film style, it's about the spirit of building such marvellous machine. Kudos for ever.

Cheers, Daniel
read more "INSPIRATION OF THE DAY: Tim's Rocket II"

TRON LEGACY: Darren Gilford explains Light Cycle background

Tron Production Designer Darren Gilford speaks about the long history of the new Light Cycle design, reaching almost four years back. Click here to read at FAST COMPANY.
If you are not familiar with movie terms, a production designer is the design director, overseeing every aspect of the films look, from costumes, colors, sets, buildings, vehicles, etc. Darren is special because he is an active designer himself, not the rule in Hollywood!
read more "TRON LEGACY: Darren Gilford explains Light Cycle background"

TRON LEGACY: Behind the scene feature

UK based magazine 3D Artist features a 10 page interview, going in depth about my vehicle design work on Tron Legacy. Computer struggles, Hollywood challenges, art department pipeline and many exclusive new renderings
and making of photos. Text by Lynette Clee.
Magazine is out now in the U.K. just in time for the film release and will be at newsstands world wide in January.

Best, Daniel
read more "TRON LEGACY: Behind the scene feature"

TRON LEGACY: Light Cycle featurette

Disney put together this promo short film, where I explain some thoughts that the design team under the lead of Production Designer Darren Gilford put into the new Light Cycle. 4 Minutes are too short to give you all the info you are looking for, but I hope you find some interesting things here.

For HD quality, please follow to youTube.

Best, Daniel
read more "TRON LEGACY: Light Cycle featurette"
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