OBLIVION - Universal release date

The Universal movie Oblivion - by Tron director Joe Kosinski - will open July 19, 2013. Tom Cruise is starring. I am designing under the lead of production designer Darren Gilford. Article here.

Cheers, Daniel
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F1 - Canadian GP in Montreal

It was exciting to be at the Canadian F1 GP and work with the Hispania Team on upcoming ideas. They finished 13th and 17th, great result in a chaotic race.

Cheers, Daniel
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INSPIRATION SHOOT: F1 vintage photos

Vintage F1 cars break every gear head's heart. What an amazing sight. The first thing you might notice that they are tiny. So tiny! Most images that you know them from make you think of those monsterous machines, but jesus those things are small. Crazy. Enjoy the closeup shots I took of those old beauties during the ridiculous Canadian F1 GP.

Cheers, Daniel 
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